

Tutorial 1: Concurrent and Learned Data Structures
Authors: Dr. Bapi Chatterjee IIIT, Delhi & Speaker: Prof. Sathya Peri IIT Hyderabad
Date: January 04, 2025 15:30 - 18:00 hrs

Speaker 1: Dr. Bapi Chatterjee
IIIT Delhi

Abstract: This tutorial explores the landscape of data structures that employ two powerful scaling mechanisms simultaneously: (a) concurrency to harness the power of today's multicore processors, and (b) learned queries -- the operations employing machine learning inference by models trained on the underlying data. We focus on advancements, challenges, and potential future directions in this field. We delve into the motivation for incorporating learned queries in concurrent data structures. We discuss the key techniques, applications, and open research questions. On the theoretical side, we discuss the mathematical foundations for building the learned data structures in addition to the correctness of queries in a concurrent setting. On the practical side, we present an overview of techniques used for managing concurrency with learned queries that need training the models with concurrent real-time updates.

Biography: Bapi Chatterjee is an Assistant Professor at IIIT Delhi. His research focuses on scalable algorithms including Distributed and Federated Machine Learning, Concurrent Data Structures, and Learned Data Structures. He has authored or co-authored publications that appeared at venues such as the PODC, AAAI, DISC, IPDPS, ICDCS, Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) Journal, etc. Before joining IIIT Delhi, he worked as a Postdoc Fellow at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria. Before that, he worked as a Researcher with IBM India Research Lab. He earned a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden.

Speaker 2: Prof. Sathya Peri
IIT Hyderabad

Biography: Sathya Peri is currently a Professor in CSE Department of IIT Hyderabad (IITH). His research interests broadly comprise of parallel and distributed systems. One of the areas he looks at is efficient ways to parallelize using Software Transactional Memory Systems (STMs) while also exploring lock- free & wait-free algorithms. In the context of distributed systems, his interest includes Blockchain and Peer-to-Peer Systems. He is currently working on improving the efficiency of Smart Contract Execution in Blockchains Systems.

Tutorial 2: Compositional Network Architecture: A New Model for Today’s Internet, and its Research Potential
Authors: Dr. Pamela Zave (Princeton University, USA) and Prof. Jennifer Rexford (Princeton University, USA).
Date: January 05, 2025 15:00 - 17:30 hrs

Speaker: Dr. Pamela Zave
Princeton University, USA

Abstract: Compositional Network Architecture is a new general model of the architecture of network ecosystems. Although it is well-developed as a descriptive model, e.g., for explaining Internet evolution, its potential for prescriptive uses is as yet untapped. Prescriptive uses may include guiding the Internet ecosystem toward a more modular and more trustworthy future, as well as enabling new forms of analysis and reasoning about design. The purpose of the tutorial is to acquaint participants with the new model, and to discuss its research possibilities.

Short Bio:Pamela Zave is a researcher with the Computer Science Department of Princeton University, having held previous positions at the University of Maryland, Bell Labs, and AT&T Labs. She is an ACM Fellow, an IFIP Fellow, an AT&T Fellow, and the 2017 recipient of the IEEE Harlan D. Mills Award for sustained contributions to the theory and practice of software engineering. At AT&T, she led a group that implemented the enhanced features for AT&T's first public voice-over-IP offering. Her book, "The Real Internet Architecture: Past, Present, and Future Evolution," with Jennifer Rexford, was published in summer 2024 by Princeton University Press.

Tutorial 3: O-RIDE: Open-RAN Innovation and Deployments Exploration
Authors: Dr. Koteswararao Kondepu (IIT Dharwad), Prof. Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma (IIT Hyderabad), and Dr. Venkateswarlu Gudepu (IIT Hyderabad)
Date: January 07, 2025 15:00 - 17:30 hrs

Speaker 1: Prof. Bheemarjuna Reddy
IIT Hyderabad

Abstract: The O-RIDE tutorial aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of Open Radio Access Network (Open RAN) architecture, followed by a demonstration of basic use cases such as Key Performance Indicator Monitoring (KPIMON) for performance monitoring and Traffic Steering (TS) for resource management. O-RAN disaggregates traditional RAN components, allowing for greater flexibility, vendor neutrality, and innovation in modern telecom networks such as 5G and beyond. Through practical demonstrations, the O-RIDE tutorial will showcase the setup and integration of O-RAN components and their application in real-world scenarios, emphasizing hands-on learning and direct applications of the technology. Participants will gain an understanding of key concepts in Open RAN architecture, the role of the RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC), and practical steps to monitor network performance and dynamically manage traffic. This O-RIDE tutorial suits researchers, students, and professionals interested in next-generation wireless networks, including 5G and beyond.

Biography: Bheemarjuna Reddy Tamma is a Professor in the Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Hyderabad. His research interests are in the areas of Converged Cloud Radio Access Networks, SDN/NFV for 5G and Beyond, Edge enabled V2X for Autonomous Navigation, and AI/ML for Network Security. He has published over 150 articles in refereed international journals and conferences. Dr. Reddy is a recipient of Visvesvaraya Young Faculty Research Fellowship at IIT Hyderabad. He is a co-recipient of Top Cited Article Award from Elsevier publishers, Best Paper Award at India Internet Governance Workshop 2024, COMSNETS 2022, Best Academic Demo Award at COMSNETS 2018, Best Poster Award at ICACCI 2018, 2nd Best Paper Award at IEEE ANTS 2017, and Best Paper award at ICACCI 2015 conferences. He is a senior member of IEEE and a member of ACM and served as a General co-chair for National Conference on Communications (NCC) 2018, TPC co-chair for IEEE ANTS 2015, and social-media chair of IEEE Globecom 2024 conferences.
He was a Co-PI of MEITY (Ministry of Electronics & IT, Govt. of India) funded research projects: Cyber Physical System Innovations Hub and Converged Cloud Communication Technologies, ISEA Phase-III on security of distributed wireless networks, and DoT (Dept. of Telecom) funded research project: Indigenous 5G Testbed at IIT Hyderabad. He also led some industry (Intel India, NASSCOM, Delhi, Saankhya Labs, Bangalore, Uurmi systems, Hyderabad, India, Suzuki, Japan and KDDI Labs, Japan) funded consultancy and research projects on Mobile Wireless Networks as the PI/Co-PI at IIT Hyderabad.

Speaker2: Dr. Koteswararao Kondepu
IIT Dharwad

Biography: Koteswararao Kondepu received his Ph.D. degree in computer science and engineering from the Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca (IMT), Italy, in July 2012. He is currently an Assistant Professor with the Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad, Dharwad, India. His research interests include 5G, optical networks design, energy-efficient schemes in communication networks, and sparse sensor networks.

Introduction to Business Leaders

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

09:00 am - 4:30 pm

20 July 2019 - Hall, Building Los Angeles CA

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Ryan Thompson Founder of Wordpress

Introduction to Business Leaders

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

09:00 am - 4:30 pm

20 July 2019 - Hall, Building Los Angeles CA

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Ryan Thompson Founder of Wordpress

Introduction to Business Leaders

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

09:00 am - 4:30 pm

20 July 2019 - Hall, Building Los Angeles CA

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Ryan Thompson Founder of Wordpress