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Faculty Advertisement 2024
02-Sept-2024 : Portal to submit online applications will be launched shortly.
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at IIT Hyderabad invites applications for faculty positions at the level of Assistant Professor (Grade-I/II), Associate Professor, Professor in all areas of computer science, especially in the following ones: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning, Computer Architecture, Cloud and Distributed Computing, Computer Graphics/Virtual Reality, Cybersecurity, Databases and Information Management, Formal Methods, IoT, Operating Systems, Compilers/Program Analysis and Programming Languages, Software Engineering, and Theoretical Computer Science. Candidates in areas not mentioned above, with a proven record of publishing in top-tier venues, are also welcome to apply. Candidates who are not Indian citizens are also welcomed to apply for visiting faculty positions with a 5-year contract. The recruitment for such candidates will follow the norms laid out by the competent authority and subject to clearance by the Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India.
About Us
IIT Hyderabad, one of the IITs established by the Govt of India in 2008, is an Institute of National Importance. It has quickly grown to be one of the best institutions for engineering education and research in the country as evident from NIRF ranking which ranked IIT Hyderabad in the top 8 consistently since 2016. Aided by visionary administration, IIT Hyderabad is gradually carving out a name for itself among the other IITs, and is an exciting place to carry out research today. It has been operating from its permanent campus since October 2015, and has 18 departments with more than 310 faculty and nearly 5000 students, with almost half of them being postgraduate students.
Highlights and Achievements
The CSE department offers degree programs from undergraduate to doctoral level: BTech in CSE, MTech in CSE, MTech in NIS, Online MTech in DS, and PhD. I It comprises more than 580 students mentored by 26 young and dynamic faculty members, whose research interests span a wide variety of research areas in computer science. The faculty have received substantial sponsored research projects in the application domains of cyber-physical systems, converged cloud radio access networks, cybersecurity, big data analytics, smart and sustainable cities, formal verification, social networks analysis, computer architecture and visual intelligence. The department’s students, of whom more than 80 are enrolled in the PhD program, have received several awards in recent years - PMRF PhD Fellowships, Google Fellowships, TCS PhD Fellowships, Intel India PhD Fellowships, COMSNETS Best Paper Award, IEEE HiPC Best Student Paper Award, TCS CodeVita Challenge, Google Summer of Code projects, S N Bose fellowship, Viterbi fellowships to name a few. Our graduated PhD students (within this short span) have obtained prestigious positions, with many already serving as faculty at other IITs, NITs, IIITs.
Research Funding and Facilities
- Most of our full time Ph.D. students and masters students are financially supported by the Ministry of Education (MoE), therefore, a faculty member need not separately generate funds for their scholarships, although it is highly encouraged to secure competitive research grants.
- Institute provides some initiation grant up to ₹30 lakh (1 lakh=1 hundred thousand=100000) for newly joined faculty members.
- Cumulative Professional Development Allowance (CPDA) of ₹3 lakh for every block of 3 years is provided to facilitate travel for conferences, collaborations and membership to professional bodies. CPDA can also be used to purchase books, pay article processing charges, and for other research related activities.
- Institute also provides an annual research grant to each faculty member for supporting his/her research activities.
- Some portion of institute overheads of a sponsored project of the faculty is given in his/her research development fund.
- IIT Hyderabad facilitates applying for SERB SRG (consisting of research grant up to ₹30 lakh) awarded by SERB for young faculty members.
- Several other Central Govt funding agencies such as Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research etc., provide generous funding to deserving research proposals.
- A faculty member can generate additional funds by taking up consultancy work with industry or organization of workshops (such as TEQIP, GIAN and TLC).
- The aforementioned research funds can be used to recruit postdoctoral fellows, PhD students, MTech (RA) - a research-intensive Master’s program, or research staff.
- IIT Hyderabad has a supercomputer with 650 TFlops computational capability under National Supercomputing Mission (NSM).
- The department of CSE provides additional computing facilities through department GPU servers and NVIDIA DGX servers.
Salary and Benefits
- The salary structure for faculty members would be as per 7th pay commission notification of MoE for CFTIs.
- Salary structure as on July 2024 is the following: Basic Pay + DA (Dearness Allowance) + (TA) Transport Allowance + HRA (House Residence Allowance). Gross Salary at IIT Hyderabad would be : Basic Pay + DA (50% of Basic Pay as on July 2024) + HRA (27% of Basic Pay - if not availing campus accommodation) + TA (Rs. 7200) + DA on TA (50% as on July 2024). Basic Pay is revised annually as per government norms. The current norm is to increment Basic Pay by approximately 3% every year.
- Assistant Professor Grade II : At entry level, Basic Pay = ₹98,200. Faculty members with 3 years of relevant experience get converted to Assistant Professor Grade I after an internal assessment. Gross salary including HRA at entry level would be approximately ₹134147 per month.
- Assistant Professor Grade I : At entry level, Basic Pay = ₹101500. Gross Salary including HRA would be approximately ₹189190 per month. After 3 years at the Assistant Professor Grade I level, faculty members automatically move to level 13A1 with entry level Basic Pay of ₹131400. Approximate gross pay at this level including HRA would be ₹242974.
- Associate Professor: At entry level, Basic Pay = ₹139600. Gross Salary including HRA would be approximately ₹257974 per month.
- Professor: At entry level, Basic Pay = ₹159100. Gross Salary including HRA would be approximately ₹293301 per month.
- A top-up salary for one or two years may be awarded to meritorious candidates, based on the recommendation of the selection committee during the interview process.
- Additional salary is provided to faculty members offering courses in online MTech in Data Science programmes offered by the CSE department.
- Telephone/Internet expense reimbursement allowance as declared by competent authority from time to time.
- Child Education allowance as per central government norms.
- Other benefits such as LTC (leave travel concession) as per central government norms. The present norm for LTC allows reimbursement for travel to home town for self and family every year for the first two blocks of 4 years. After that, LTC is allowed twice in a block of 4 years. In a 4 year block, one of the home town LTC can be converted to travel anywhere in India.
- National Pension Scheme (NPS) subscription as per government norms. At present 10% of Basic Pay + DA must be mandatorily contributed by the employee and the employer provides 14% of the Basic pay + DA to be deposited in NPS.
- Leaves are allowed as per central government norms plus additional on-duty leaves for performing professional duties outside the institute
- Medical cover including consultation and hospitalization for all faculty members and their dependents as per CGHS norms.
- Relocation allowance given for a new faculty member as per institute norms. Current norms allow up to ₹100,000 for domestic or international relocation. This allowance can be used for relocation of self, family and transportation of household goods.
Campus Facilities
- On-campus housing facility for faculty members.
- Day-care facility is available for kids of the faculty at IITH campus.
- For school education of kids of IITH faculty/staff/students, there is an on-campus DAV school for classes pre KinderGarten to 10th. Some of the international schools near Outer Ring Road (ORR) also provide transportation facilities.
- Supermarket, clinic, and food court on campus. For more details on the department and its activities, please visit
Minimum Qualifications
- The candidates should have a Ph.D. in Computer Science or other related fields from an institute of high academic repute.
- All applicants are expected to have strong research and teaching skills with a proven track record of research excellence.
How to Apply?
Please check this link for eligibility criteria, application form and other guidelines In addition to the application form, your application package must consist of the following documents:
- Latest CV which includes contact details of at least 3 referees. For those applying to Associate Professor and Professor positions, should also contain details about student guidance (at masters and doctoral levels), sponsored projects or other funding obtained as PI or co-PI and post-PhD research experience and other research related activities.
- List of publications along with DOI links to each publication. It is encouraged that additional information for each publication such as impact factor, core ranking (A/A*/Q1/Q2), citations etc., is provided. Also include URL to your Google Scholar or scopus profile, or DBLP page.
- 3 Best papers: Copies of 3 of your recent publications with yourself as a key contributor that you consider highlights your research aptitude in the best manner.
- Research statement (up to 5 pages) which should contain your immediate and long term research plans. Also comment on the impact of your 3 best papers in your area of research.
- Teaching statement (up to 3 pages) highlighting new courses that you wish to propose as well as which existing courses at UG and PG level (please see curriculum from our web page) you will be willing to teach and your teaching philosophy.
Application package has to be submitted via online on the Application Portal. If you would like to visit the department or have any queries, let us know by sending an email to