Department Seminar by Dr.Sparsh Mittal on "Improving Clarity in Paper Writing"
Department Seminar by Dr.Sparsh Mittal on “Improving Clarity in Paper Writing”
Title: Improving Clarity in Paper Writing
Speaker: Dr. Sparsh Mittal
Room No: A block, Room 317
Time: 15:00
Under the “research methodologies” series of presentations, Dr Sparsh Mittal will give a talk on “Improving Clarity In Paper Writing”. This talk will provide many tips for effectively conveying your research ideas, summarizing past work, making clear diagrams, showing experimental results and avoiding common errors in paper-writing, etc. To illustrate these tips, examples will be quoted from many nicely written research papers. These tips will be useful for writing a research paper or thesis, and may be useful even for making power point presentation. This talk is expected to be useful for any researcher (esp. beginners) regardless of their research area.
Speaker’s Bio:
Dr. Sparsh Mittal is an Assistant professor in the department of computer science,IITH
Thursday, August 17, 2017 - 15:00