Invited talk by Dr. Chetan Arora on First Person Wearable Cameras- Understanding the Photographer Behaviour
Invited talk by Dr. Chetan Arora on First Person Wearable Cameras- Understanding the Photographer Behaviour
Title Of the Talk: First Person Wearable Cameras: Understanding the Photographer Behaviour
Speaker: Dr. Chetan Arora
Date &Time: Saturday, 13th July 2019 15:00-16:00
Venue: Room No-LH3
Wearable cameras like the GoPro are one of the best selling cameras these days. The always on nature and the first person point of view are the unique characteristics of such egocentric cameras giving access to the information not possible with traditional point and shoot cameras. Recognising wearer’s activity is one of the core tasks in many egocentric applications. In this talk I will present some of our work in this area starting with our earlier work on long term activity recognition using traditional machine learning methods. I will then go on to explain how deep learning helped us to generalise the recognition to much larger class of activities for which designing hand tuned features was unthinkable. I will also describe some of our work to aid independent mobility of visually impaired.
Speaker Profile:
Chetan Arora is an Associate Professor with Computer Science Department at IIT Delhi. He received Ph.D. in Computer Science and B.Tech in Electrical Engineering, both from IIT Delhi in 2012 and 1999 respectively. He did his Post Doctoral Research with Prof. Shmuel Peleg from 2012-2014 in Hebrew University, Israel. Prior to joining IIT Delhi, he was an Assistant Professor with IIIT Delhi.
Chetan has published more than 35 papers in top computer vision journals and peer reviewed conferences. Prior to returning to academics, Chetan has spent over 10 years in industry, where he co-founded 3 startups, all working on computer vision products coming out of latest research ideas.
Chetan has served as an area chair at ICVGIP 2016, program chair at NCVPRIPG 2017, Workshop on Assistive Vision held with ACCV 2016, and Workshop on Computer Vision Applications held with ICVGIP 2018. He is also the program chair for the upcoming ICVGIP 2020. Apart from his regular research, he is also committed to applications of computer vision for persons with disabilities.
Saturday, 13th July 2019 15:00-16:00