For your Eyes

Seminar talk titled “For your Eyes”

Title Of the Talk: “For your Eyes”
Speaker: Pradeep Ramachandran
Host Faculty: Dr. Praveen T
Date &Time: Tuesday, 26th Feb 2021 12:00 - 13:30 Hrs


Video Encoding is a complex workload that is run at scale in several public and private clouds. In this talk, I will discuss 3 challenges that were presented to the popular open-source video encoder x265 that is developed and maintained by MulticoreWare Inc. Tackling the challenges required a deep understanding of modern high-performance server systems that include multi-core CPUs, advanced vector units, and fixed-function blocks. The solutions presented demonstrate how x265 optimally balances these components to deliver the most power-efficient solution, enabling a better viewing experience “for your eyes”.

Speaker Profile:

Pradeep currently works as a Principal Engineer at Multicoreware Inc, Chennai, India. His work involves designing solutions at the boundary of hardware and software to solve problems across domains of performance, power, and fault tolerance. He received his Masters and Ph.D. from the Computer Science Department at the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign under the tutelage of Prof. Sarita Adve. He holds a Bachelors’s degree in Computer Science from The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and developed an Algorithm for co-processors under Dr. V. Kamakoti for his undergraduate project.

Tuesday, 26th Feb 2021 12:00 - 13:30 Hrs